I recently went on a trip and wanted to take some TiVo shows with me for the plane ride. I hadn’t used TiVo Transfer on my Mac in a while, so I started Roxio Toast to find it so I could download some shows. After starting Toast, I was prompted that an update was available so I downloaded version 8.0.4 and installed it. I then reopened Toast, found TiVo Transfer under the Extras menu, clicked on it, but received the message “TiVo Transfer could not be found.”
I don’t know if I lost TiVo Transfer after my recent update or before, but I first reverted to Toast 8.0.3, then reinstalled Toast from the original CD, but I still did not have TiVo Transfer working. After scouring Google for a while trying to download TiVo Transfer by itself (it only comes with Toast), I finally just searched for a way to reinstall TiVo Transfer. A poster named Greg on Aldoblog provided an answer: “You have to right click on Tosat 8 Titanium and chose Show Package Contents. Then go to Contents, Resources, and copy the TiVoTransfer.tar.gz file to the dekstop or the Toast 8 Folder. Double click on the file and it should expand to the TiVo Transfer application. Make sure that is in the Toast folder and you are all set.” I actually followed his suggestion by opening my 8.0.3 update which has the latest version of TiVo Transfer (1.1.1). So thankfully I was able to enjoy a couple of episodes of Battlestar Galactica on the plane to Washington DC. Thanks Greg.