When I bought my Samsung Galaxy Tab a few months ago, I didn’t know much about the Android platform, but it had some important apps I had been using on my iPhone so I was okay with buying it. I liked the 7″ form factor (much the opposite of the media) and thought the iPad, at 10″, was too big to lug around for a guy (after purchasing an iPad for my wife, I have confirmed that my choice of the Galaxy Tab was right). I noticed at the time of purchase Hulu and Netflix were not yet available for Android, but would probably be coming soon.
After a few months of having my tablet, Netflix and Hulu have finally come to Android. Unfortunately, they are not available for my Galaxy Tab (and I think other Android tablets as well). If I can use HBOtoGo on my tablet, why not Hulu or Netflix? They work on the iPad so it can’t be a tablet issue. Maybe they wanted to make their apps work on phones first before optimizing them for tablets. I sure hope so. Although I didn’t primarily purchase a tablet to stream movies and shows to, it is a lot better than watching movies on your phone (I have had good experiences with Hulu on my iPhone, but the bigger screen of my tablet would be nice).
The Android platform is getting more apps everyday – I just hope Hulu and Netflix get their acts together and let Android tablets users enjoy their services.