Wings of Steele: Destination Unknown

This is my first foray into independently published authors and also into the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. The Lending Library lets Amazon Prime members borrow certain Kindle books for your Kindle (not Kindle app); you can borrow one book per month. I was pleasantly surprised by how good this book was. It started off a little slow and I kept wondering when and how they were going to get into space, but those questions were shortly answered. There were some implausibilities in the beginning such as how easy the characters accepted their situation once in space, or how two people who just met decide they not only are going to sleep together immediately but experience love at first sight.

However, once I moved through several chapters, the story started picking up and the storyline flowed much better and much more interestingly. Speaking of chapters, one thing I did notice is some chapters were short, but some were very, very long, so there was definitely no consistency to chapter length. Also, there were many typos in the book; they weren’t too distracting, but the author should consider a professional editor for his next book. There are bits of foul language here and there, but it doesn’t distract from the story. Also, the author did a nice job of moving through the bedroom scenes without actually getting into the details of what happened.

On the positive side, the author had several good fight scenes and some great tense moments in the book where you just wanted to read a little more to find out what happens next. Later in the book the author introduces us to some overarching storyline about aliens looking for the prime planet where life began in the universe. This is somehow related to the prologue of the book which is explained at this point about 3/4 of the way through. This is really a setup for some sequels and can pretty much be ignored if you just want to enjoy this book on its own. The nice thing with this is the author ties up pretty much all plot threads by the end. There’s one other mystery hanging out plus a discovery at the end of the book about one of the characters that is not resolved by the end of the book.

Overall, I recommend this book as a nice science fiction story with some great fighting throughout. This book is currently available on the Kindle from You can get more information on the series at

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